Skin Solutions

The skin is the body's largest organ, so taking proper care of it is vital. The Uptown Pharmacy staff is here to provide you with all your skin solution needs, from preventative care to treatments. Acne is the most common skin condition, to prevent breakouts pick up one of our noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic face wash products that won't clog your pores. If you are experiencing an acne breakout talk to one of our pharmacists about what treatment option is best for you.

  • Non-prescription acne treatments: for mild blemishes or non-inflammatory acne, ask your pharmacist about a non-prescription acne treatment containing Salicylic acid. These treatments will unclog the pores.

  • Prescription acne treatments: for more serious breakouts containing cysts or nodules our staff recommends seeing a dermatologist. Once you have been recommended a prescription acne treatment we will be happy to provide you with what you need.

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